Sea Bass on the fly: season 2014 – the movie

When the water temperatures reach 12 degrees Celsius the European sea bass, Dicentrachus labrax, will head up north to our waters and start feeding in our estuaries. They reach our shores around May and stay until the end of October. During these months there is just one fish on my mind and every other fishery is put aside. There is nothing like the take of sea bass or the roughness of fishing the salts. Fishing from shore but also from the boat it brought me to a multitude of spots and learned more and more each visit to the coast. The port of Rotterdam is my hunting ground but further South and North there are ample spots te be found. This season I took along my camera and tripod and collected clips all through the season and made this movie out of it. It is far from a high quality fly fishing movie but it shows the way I perceive my beloved fishery and I have the chance to let people in on it.

For future generations I hope regulations of harvesting these fish will be changed and that for many years to come this fish will thrive like the Striped Bass in the US. I can only hope. Enjoy! Cheers Brian

Sea bass on the fly: season 2014 from Brian Elward on Vimeo.

7 thoughts on “Sea Bass on the fly: season 2014 – the movie

  1. marcel neerhout says:

    Kicku mannen!
    Wil dat ook wel eens meemaken, maar in je eentje met die boten…..schijt al zeven kleuren op de fint op Rozenburg.
    Dan maar OVM, maar dit is übergeil, top!!!

  2. Merijn says:


    Hoe meer ik er over lees, hoor en zie hoe meer ik ook de passie voor het zeebaarzen ga voelen, zeker iets voor de toekomst..dit jaar het finten ontdekt ( erg leuk op je #5!! ) en daarbij al wel en beetje aan het zoute mogen proeven.

    als ik dan dit filmpje zie en de verhalen van Edwin gaat het kriebelen!!

    super gemaakt Brian!

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